Last tended May 19, 2024.
Sections here which I’ve expanded into their own notes:
Splitting a string literal using a delimeter
type type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string> = T extends `${infer Left}${Delimiter}${infer Right}` ? [`${Left}`, ...SplitString<`${Right}`, Delimiter>] : [T]
function (type parameter) T in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
T extends string,
function (type parameter) Delimiter in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
Delimiter extends string
> = function (type parameter) T in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
T extends `${infer function (type parameter) Left
Left}${function (type parameter) Delimiter in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
Delimiter}${infer function (type parameter) Right
? [`${function (type parameter) Left
Left}`, ...type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string> = T extends `${infer Left}${Delimiter}${infer Right}` ? [`${Left}`, ...SplitString<`${Right}`, Delimiter>] : [T]
SplitString<`${function (type parameter) Right
Right}`, function (type parameter) Delimiter in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
: [function (type parameter) T in type SplitString<T extends string, Delimiter extends string>
This snippet splits a into a union of parts using a recursive template literal string. The type splits its input into two pieces: before the delimiter and after. The part after the delimiter is recursively passed into the SplitString<>
utility type and split until no delimiters remain. The split pieces are then bundled up into a tuple.
Extracting route parameters from a route
Imagine you have routes with parameters in them that you wish to extract into an object that could be passed to a route handler with the values for a route instance. For example, you have handlers for the following routes:
Route | RouteParams object provided to handler |
/item/:id | { id: string } |
/user/:id/team/:teamId | { user: string; team: string} |
To maintain type safety, the routes need to be used to generate RouteParams objects at the type level. The API to generate a RouteParams object would look something like RouteParams<`/item/:id`>
, receiving the route as a type parameter rather than a runtime variable.
Building on the Split
type from Splitting a string literal using a delimeter this is possible, enabling type-safety in route handlers.
type RouteParams<T extends `/${string}`> = {
[Segment in SplitString<T, '/'>[number]
as Segment extends `:${infer Param}`
? Param : never]: string;
This snippet works in 3 parts:
SplitString<T, '/'>
splits the route into segments separate by/
- Segments that start with a
are kept as params; segments that don’t are discarded asnever
- The kept segments are used to create a mapped type with the params as the object keys that correspond to string values.
Then a runtime parser can be used to grab the param values from real request URLs, construct a RequestParams object, and pass it to the route handler. Awesome!
TypeScript MOMU pattern - Mapped object, mapped union
This isn’t explicitly a pattern in TTS, but I noticed its recurrence and wanted to note it for myself.
Imagine you have an object type consisting of basic key-value (KV) pairs. For example:
type Person = {
id: string;
name: string;
age: number;
Using a mapped type this can be transformed into a derivative type, such as one where the KV pairs are tuple values. To demonstrate, consider this mapped type:
type PersonKVs = {
[K in keyof Person]: [K, Person[K]];
A hand-written equivalent of this type would be:
type PersonKVs = {
id: ['id', string];
name: ['name', string];
age: ['age', number];
Mapped types are useful for transforming one type into another shape, adding functionality (such as getter/setter functions), etc.
The Mapped Object Mapped Union (MOMU) pattern extends this by taking the mapped object and further mapping it into a union type. This can be used to transform an initial object type such as Person
into a union of tuple types. For example:
type PersonKVTuples = {
[K in keyof Person]: [K, Person[K]];
}[keyof Person];
// equivalent type:
type PersonKVTuple = ['id', string] | ['name', string] | ['age' | number];
In the MOMU pattern, the initial mapped object type is mapped once more into a union type. Performing a second mapping provides a lot of extra options when transforming types.
The MOMU pattern can also be used to transform a union type into another union type. One example of this is turning a discriminated union into a union of template literals:
type Errors = {
code: 404;
message: 'Not found';
} | {
code: 403;
message: 'Forbidden';
type ErrorMessages = {
[K in Errors as K['code']]: `${K['code']}: ${K['message']}`;
The ErrorMessages
would be equivalent to the following union type:
type ErrorMessages = '404: Not found' | `403: Forbidden`;
The MOMU pattern also works if the scenario is flipped and you wanted to get from ErrorMessages
to Errors
// Produces the same union as the `Errors` type
type Errors2 = {
[Error in ErrorMessages]: Error extends `${infer code}: ${infer message}`
? {code: code, message: message}
: never
Use generics at the lowest level possible
Imagine you want to write a generic function for overriding home page feature flags. Instead of making the entire config object generic, make only the home page feature flags generic. Here’s an example from the total typescript exercise:
export const getHomePageFeatureFlags = <Flags>(
config: { rawConfig: { featureFlags: { homePage: Flags } } },
override: (flags: Flags) => Flags
) => {
return override(config.rawConfig.featureFlags.homePage);
Rather than having the entire config
object be a generic, only config.rawConfig.featureFlags.homePage
is. Here the override
signature is able to accept only the nested home page flags object. This provides nicer intellisense, requires less code be written, and is more readable.
Example: Get a typed array of object keys
Using JavaScript’s Object.keys()
is a handy way to get an array of any object’s keys. Unfortunately, the result is typed as string[]
, which isn’t specific enough to make typesafe accesses to an object. For that case, it’s better to use a generic to get a typed array of the keys. Check it out:
const typedObjectKeys = <T extends string>(obj: Record<T, unknown>) => {
return Object.keys(obj) as Array<T>;
uses the generic at the lowest level possible, the object’s keys, to minimize how much of the type is a generic. It still requires a cast (the as Array<T>
) to get the result typed correctly.
Example: infer the literal types of an array, rather than the basic type
Sometimes the TypeScript compiler infers a broader type than is desirable. Consider this example:
const makeArray = <T extends Array<string>>(values: T) => values;
const array = makeArray(['foo', 'bar']); // typed as Array<string> or string[]
This typing is less precise than I’d like, because the values are known at compile time. Because the generic T extends Array<string>
is broadly generic on the Array
type, the compiler doesn’t narrow the generic being passed to Array<>
, ie the string
. By moving makeArray
’s generic a lower level - the type parameter being passed to Array<>
, Typescript is able to infer a narrower type. Rather than it inferring the Array<string>
it will infer what is being passed to Array
. Here’s what that looks like:
const makeArray = <T extends string>(values: Array<T>) => values;
const array = makeArray(['foo', 'bar']);
// ^ typed as Array<'foo' | 'bar'> or ('foo' | 'bar')[]
This makes use of the same trick as the getting a typed array of object keys - moving the generic to something more specific to coerce the Typescript compiler to infer a narrower type.
Example: wrap a function and safely get the result or thrown error
Often there is a need to call a function which might throw. by the time all the cases are handled in the catch
block it’s a long and deeply-nested mess of unwieldy code. What would it look like to instead wrap the potentially throwing function and get a result of 'success'
or 'failure'
that can be used with a guard clause instead? Here’s a riff on how Matt Pocock handles that in Total Typescript.
Notice that the generic is at a higher level (the entire function type) rather than the lowest possible level (the parameters & return type of the function). This is so that in contexts where the generic is used, the intellisense will show makeSafe
as a generic on the function type, which is more intuitive than having a generic with 2 type parameters - 1 for the function parameters and another for the return type.
const makeSafe =
<T extends (...args: Array<any>) => any>(func: T) =>
...args: Parameters<T>
| {
type: 'success';
result: ReturnType<T>;
| {
type: 'failure';
error: Error;
} => {
try {
const result = func(...args);
return {
type: 'success',
} catch (e) {
return {
type: 'failure',
error: e as Error,
// usage
const validateWidget = (foo: Widget) => {if (foo.valid) return foo; throw "Invalid widget";}
const safeValidateWidget = makeSafe(validateWidget);
const widgetValidationResult = safeValidateWidget(widget);
if(widgetValidationResult.type !== success)
return "failed to validate widget"
This approach is great because the result
on widgetValidationResult
will be correctly typed as the return type of validateWidget
. Similarly, trying to call validateWidget
with a value that doesn’t satisfy Widget
will result in a Typescript error.
Narrowing return types in generics
TypeScript’s type system being built on set theory has some limitations when it comes to narrowing.
Function overloads
Function overloads are a bit weird in TypeScript. This is an artifact of TypeScript being compatible with JavaScript, which doesn’t support function overloading. To work around this, TypeScript allows function overloading in a very specific way:
- All of the overload signatures must be declared using the
keyword (they can’t be arrow functions) - The overload signatures must be declared next to each other in code, with nothing else in between them
- None of the overload signatures can have an implementation
- An overload implementation must be written after the overload signatures. It must be compatible with all of the overload signatures declared before it.
To simplify, here’s an example of what a valid function overload might look like:
// The overload signatures are public interfaces that can be used to invoke the function
function foo(input: string): string;
function foo(input: number): number;
function foo(input: {user: string}): boolean;
// The implementation is a *private* interface which is not exposed to users
function foo(input: any){
if(typeof input === "string") return "string";
if(typeof input === "number") return 123;
if(typeof input === "object" && Object.hasOwn(input, "user")) return true;
Unfortunately this example has an issue. While the compiler correctly infers return types, it thinks that the implementation isn’t compatible with the declarations. There are 2 approaches to fix this:
- Provide a type annotation for the implementation’s return type
- Add type annotations to the values being returned within the implementation.
Option 1 looks like this:
function foo(input: any): string | number | boolean {
// ...
The downside of this approach is that typescript can’t provide useful hints within the function about valid values, especially for narrower types.
The alternative is a slightly more verbose approach of specifying types for each return value. In many cases this will probably be fine as real functions tend to be more complex than demos. There are two ways of doing this. My preference is to declare the variables ahead of the return statement and use a type annotation:
function foo(input: any) {
if(typeof input === "string") {
const s: string = "string";
return s;
// other implementations...
Alternatively, the annotations can be provided inline using as
function foo(input: any) {
if(typeof input === "string") return "string" as string;
// other implementations...
This is more concise, but in my opinion using as
is a bit of a code smell vs using an explicit type annotation.
Overall, TypeScript function overloads seem to only be worth it if the return type changes based on the input. If the return type is always the same, I find it cleaner to write a single function signature where the parameter(s) are a union of the possible input values and there is a single return type.
Identity functions
Type transformations
Type transformations are techniques that change a type from one format to another. Some examples of common type transformations:
- converting array of objects into an a single object with a key for each array element
- Converting an object into an array
- Changing the shape of objects
Here I’ve catalogued some type transformation techniques I find helpful and/or interesting.
Reverse mapped types
A reverse mapped type lets you inject data from the inferred type into itself.
In this example, injectEventNames
adds type information to the name
function parameters on the object passed to it. Since name
has no type annotation, it otherwise would’ve been typed as any
export function function injectEventNames<T>(obj: { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }): { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }
injectEventNames<function (type parameter) T in injectEventNames<T>(obj: { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }): { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }
T>(obj: { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }
obj: {[function (type parameter) K
K in keyof function (type parameter) T in injectEventNames<T>(obj: { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }): { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }
T]: (key: K extends keyof T
key: function (type parameter) K
K) => void}) {
return obj: { [K in keyof T]: (key: K) => void; }
const const events: {
hover: (key: "hover") => void;
events = function injectEventNames<{
hover: unknown;
}>(obj: {
hover: (key: "hover") => void;
}): {
hover: (key: "hover") => void;
injectEventNames({ hover: (key: "hover") => void
hover: (name: "hover"
name) => var console: Console
console.Console.log( any[]): void
[MDN Reference]( "hover"
name) })Notice that `name` is typed as "hover"