Last tended May 11, 2024.
Recently I was presenting a talk at SeattleJS on Branded Types using my blog post as the visual content. I wanted to do some live coding, so I decided to add TypeScript playground links to my code snippets.
Fun fact: it’s possible to dynamically generate TypeScript playground links!
The process is fairly simple:
- Use
to base64 encode and zip the source code and URI encode the result (useLZString.compressToEncodedURIComponent()
, an easy one-liner) - Append the encoded string to a playground URL
- Put the link on the code block
I love this solution because it generates an updated link every time I build my site. I’m guaranteed to have up-to-date playground links and don’t have to do anything after the initial setup. Awesome!
I followed the TS playground docs to write the code that generates TS playground links. I updated my code highlighter function to generate the TS playground links and add them to a data-tsplay
attribute on the containing <pre>
tag for each TS code block. Check it out:
import LZString from 'lz-string';
import { codeToHtml } from 'shiki';
import { transformerTwoslash } from '@shikijs/twoslash';
import { lex, parse } from 'fenceparser';
// ---cut---
/** @type Exclude<import('mdsvex').MdsvexOptions['highlight'],false | undefined>['highlighter'] */
async function ShikiTwoslashHighlighter(code, lang, meta) {
let tsPlaygroundLink = undefined;
if (lang === 'ts') {
// Generate a TS Playground link
tsPlaygroundLink = `${
const html = await codeToHtml(code, {
transformers: [
transformerTwoslash({ explicitTrigger: true }),
// This custom transformer adds the data-tsplay attribute
name: 'TSPlaygroundLinkInserter',
pre(el) {
if (tsPlaygroundLink !== undefined)['data-tsplay'] = tsPlaygroundLink;
// other transformers...
// other config options...
With that I have playground links available in my output HTML. The last step I have to Make example code interactive on my blog is to Add a demo link to TypeScript code blocks.
I’m so glad I ended up doing this. Being able to quickly pop open a live editor to make changes and show runtime values made my Seattle JS talk much better!